Contact Us Today! 905-828-7000

Proudly Serving the Greater Toronto Area 730 Gana Crt, Mississauga, ON, L5S 1P1

Service and Maintenance

Superior Door & Gate Systems Limited is not just the leading manufacturer and sales provider for overhead doors, dock equipment and automatic gates – we are your complete source for ongoing maintenance and repairs!

For immediate service, please call us at 905-828-7000!

Or for any matters related to our service work, email our Service Department at

We provide:

  • Estimating
  • Troubleshooting
  • Service — All Brands
  • Parts — All Brands
  • Planned Maintenance
  • Service Contracts

We provide both on-call and regularly-scheduled preventive maintenance that can keep your doors operating efficiently year round. Our highly trained service department stands ready 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year-round, just in case you need us.

Preventative Maintenance

Waiting for your equipment to fail, and then having it serviced is an unnecessarily expensive course to take. All the costs (downtime, disappointed customers, energy costs, employee dissatisfaction, and liability to name a few) associated with equipment failure can be avoided by having a functional pro-active Preventative Maintenance Program in place. Superior Door & Gate Systems Limited would be pleased to provide you with a detailed approach to an ongoing program especially designed to meet your specific needs. For further information please contact one of our account specialists.