Contact Us Today! 905-828-7000

Proudly Serving the Greater Toronto Area 730 Gana Crt, Mississauga, ON, L5S 1P1


I wanted to personally thank Superior Door & Gate Systems Limited for looking after the emergency bay door installation at my facility. The personal attention, care and eye for detail made this emergency installation go as smooth as could be imagined.

I would like to thank the crew; these men were true professionals. Their dedication to getting the job done, knowledge of the product and level of care during the installation made me very comfortable with the product.

I truly like the finished result. The bay door not only looks excellent but it functions far better than the door which I had previously installed. Thanks again!

- Dr. W. J. Whistance-Smith, WJWSMedia


I have been a lawyer for over 27 years, as well as a small developer and property manager for about 20 years. Through a professional referral I contacted Superior Door and Gate Systems for consultation, ideas and a quote for a project that involved an industrial heavy duty wrought iron moving gate sytem in a residential application.

Following a review of the project requirements, Superior assured me it could be done and followed up with preliminary drawings and a quote within a week. I was so impressed with the ingenuity of the design and the fairness of the quote, that I chose not to pursue other quotations. I signed off on the final shop drawings that called for a 15 foot mechanical gate on a heated track with electronic controls, as well as a matching grand pedestrian gate on a seperate electronic system, all controlled from a Microm state-of-the-art panel board.

I took tremendous comfort in knowing that I was getting a full "turn-key" system, which included excavation, placement of tracks and sensors, wiring, custom construction of the gate systems, supports and full installations. I was given a tour of the Superior facility in Mississauga and the facility was state-of-the-art. The project was like clock work; timely installation, exacting detailed execution and a result that astonished me. 

The secret to the success of Superior Door and Gate Systems is the team of professionals at Superior and the courteous and competent service techs who will resolve any issues.

- William Halkiw, B.A., M.A., LL.B., Barrister and Solicitor, President, Hall Q Group of Companies